What has Nathan as of late?
Well, mostly he's been sick, so you must excuse his absence.
Speaking of absence, Nathan has been informed that his father has given some of his blog address to some of his high school teachers. One Mrs Hunt and one Mr Appier of Spanish and Chemistry class respectively. Welcome to the network honored lady and sir.
I wish I could bring good tidings to welcome myself back to the blog, but I'm afraid first and foremost, I have pictures of what I've been eating in the homestay again. If you are an exchange student here or anyone who has been in earshot when the topic of host families has come up, you have already heard of my perennial favorite, the "Bucket o' Carbs in Generic Flavorless White Sauce with Sliced Salsicha AKA Hot Dog"..
Yes Ladies and Gent's, I braved the jungly depths of the kitchen with camera in hand so that I could bring you a little closer to my experience.
Who says I'm not cut out to be a photo journalist? Surely, these hazards are something like that which I would face in the field.
Let's have some pictures of myself, shall we? I swear I don't do these to satisfy any narcissistic personal need, its really an extension of my mom's genetic narcissim in that she she demands to know if her offspring is dead or some such.
And so it is with great pleasure, that introduce to you... Myself!
That's only one side of the widest avenue in the world, the 9 de julio.
And this is what happens when you have no legislation governing what kind of advertising can be shown where.
And the scarf isn't mine or my fault, it was freezing, I lost my jacket and I went on this trip to buy a sweater.
Finally, I appreciate the disorderly society tendency to leave potentially dangerous/awesome photo ops lying around without so much as a caution sign or sleepy security guard to deter you.

There, I have at least posted something. I may post something of some higher quality later in the day. Enjoy!
Well, mostly he's been sick, so you must excuse his absence.
Speaking of absence, Nathan has been informed that his father has given some of his blog address to some of his high school teachers. One Mrs Hunt and one Mr Appier of Spanish and Chemistry class respectively. Welcome to the network honored lady and sir.
I wish I could bring good tidings to welcome myself back to the blog, but I'm afraid first and foremost, I have pictures of what I've been eating in the homestay again. If you are an exchange student here or anyone who has been in earshot when the topic of host families has come up, you have already heard of my perennial favorite, the "Bucket o' Carbs in Generic Flavorless White Sauce with Sliced Salsicha AKA Hot Dog"..
Let's have some pictures of myself, shall we? I swear I don't do these to satisfy any narcissistic personal need, its really an extension of my mom's genetic narcissim in that she she demands to know if her offspring is dead or some such.
And so it is with great pleasure, that introduce to you... Myself!
And this is what happens when you have no legislation governing what kind of advertising can be shown where.
Finally, I appreciate the disorderly society tendency to leave potentially dangerous/awesome photo ops lying around without so much as a caution sign or sleepy security guard to deter you.
There, I have at least posted something. I may post something of some higher quality later in the day. Enjoy!
Mom in New Jersey
Also I had an idea, search online and see if there is anywhere in Buenos Aires that has a website that we could go to, to send you like a care package or something. i tried to search but half I couldn't read. Like a local place that does like gift baskets so we could just buy online and it would be local so it wouldn't kill us with shipping.
Also facebook me an address where I could send something if I so desired.
Honestly, Nathan, you probably scared her culinary talents when you arrived.
by the way... I *was* going to send you a care package with my peanut butter cookies BUT THEN I got bit by a brown recluse spider and ALSO remembered that Andrew's brother is allergic to peanuts so I can't actually make peanut butter cookies for you while in their house.
On that note, I return to WI on Thursday, so... sooon, I promise!