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New Accomoda-

Well, this will be a weirdly and stunted update.

I came to this the ISA office today specifically to write this post with a flash drive (known here as a pen drive for reasons I can not fathom, could be because flashearse means to blow one´s mind) that was supposed to be full of pictures of my new dwelling.

As you may have guessed from my use of supposed, my flash drive is not full as I´d hoped. It contains no pictures of my new pad, and instead a picture of my role model for my next haircut.

Feast your eyes, ladies and gentleman, on the future of Nathan´s head:

Yes, it is wondrous.

Now, on to the titular theme.

I was on the way here to talk about my change in home stay that I´d recently accomplished, I´ve moved to a house that is nicer and bigger and the food is way better. However, a strange coincidence came to pass. My old (not so good) host mother was in the office talking to Guillermo, the receiver of my complaints and liason for arranging other homestays. I made no special effort to speak with her and continued to try and piece together the state of the US economy online.

Some attractive jewish girl brought some family member over for me to meet and I forgot about it. Guillermo walked by and directed someone into his office. That someone was me, as it turns out. Uh oh.

Apparently she had come in to ¨chat,¨ which struck me as unlikely. For some reason, Guillermo felt it necessary to inform me of the contents of said ¨chat.¨

More and more things swim past the language barrier these days, so I was about 99% on what Guillermo was telling me, but for some reason, the only explanation that I got out of Guillermo concerning why she came to the office was this ¨chatting¨concept.

For whatever reason they talked, the topics of my chief complaints against the lady came up. The food being bad, scarce, the mysterious negative vibe to the place, the mysterious disappearance of housemate Naír (something I failed to report. One day, Cecilia changed the locks and decided to have Naír go. Another vagary).

In any case, there was a lot more incomplete information and places where her story did not corraborate with mine, but there was at least something I thought was worth sharing.

When I first moved and Guillermo asked me how it went, I told him (in a mangled spanish translation of the english though I was having) that I didn´t know who was happier to see me go and his eyebrows shot up.

He shared this anecdote with my ex-host lady and she laughed and said that I was intelligent. Guillermo agreed.

Apparently after the "episode" with Naír and then the one conversation I had with her about the food being bad, etc. she said that she´d had enough (I´m missing the logical connection there, too) and she said that she let it get flojo, which means loose.

Also, when Guillermo brought up the subject of food, she began to obfuscate. Guillermo interrupted her and said that he´d seen a picture, which he had, I linked him to my blog. He then either said that she shut her mouth or that it fell. In either case, the next she said was definitely "it could be."

So anyway, I´m still confused as to exactly why Guillermo wanted to talk to me about this unless he just wanted to let me know that I was right all along.

And briefly, my new living arrangement.

I live with a women named Adriana. She is very nice and energetic. A fantastic cook, Adriana sells milanesas de soja for a living. A milanesa is Argentine Schnitzel. Imagine, if she makes people actually want to eat these soy substitutes for Argneinte meat, they must be delicious. And they are.

She also makes me spicy food, because I told her that I like it. She made something so spicy that she coughed. Given, I had to be told that it was in fact spicy, but hey its the thought that counts.

The room is spacious, I can effectively hang my feet off the edge of my bed and there is a beautiful view as we are on the 10th floor. All and all, a pretty good deal. It is far from school so I´m constantly hunting for coins for the bus, but so far, definitely worth it.

Thats all for now folks, pictures at a later date.

PS I was thinking of submitting my blog to a real news source for fun. Any suggestions as to how that might be possible?


ruth said…
This is perhaps your least coherent post yet, little brother. Your Spanish may be improving, but I think your English is getting worse.

Also, I was in a car accident.
ruth said…
Oh, and if you don't see the qualitative difference between your hair (fine, weak, northern european) and that guy's latin luscious locks, then I just don't know what to say. He probably grows more hair out of one nostril than you do on your entire head. Give up your dreams.
hahahahha. I like Ruth. does your sense of humour run in the family, San-San?
SheilaE said…
have your cookies arrived yet?
i'm in estes. i'm glad you cna stretch out in bed but ruth is right your blog is not coherent today.

love u
Anonymous said…
Im so happy that you have found better living arrangements. Maybe you will get fat prior to returning to the U.S.
Just Don't are able to wash them by the time you return.
I will not see you with unwashed hair.
Also I don't think dreadlocks will help the lack of lady.
just sayin.
Nathan my good sir you are missed...even by toothy maw.
ianfoo said…

i must thank you because i can finally cross off "see a guy with a dread lock skullet" from my things to do before i die list... and it was just as wonderful as i had imagined :_)


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