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News Flash!

This is Nathan Lane, your funky-fresh maniacal-magical plane-hopping, jaw-dropping world-traveler extraordinaire servin' it to you fresh from the high-rises of Buenos Aires.

This just in from the scene, cats. The good people of this fair land have taken to the balconies, banging pots and pans to air some political sentiment, taken the fight to the roofs, if you will.

You heard me right. Argentina's cacerolazo has reared its ferrous head and breathed some fire into the political scene. In the midst of ongoing domestic agro-political crisis, an important vote was on the precipice of stalling when the people took up a fashionable tradition and stood on their balconies and banged pots and pans. The fence-sitting senator quickly decided voted in favor of the legislation.

The most famous of these cacerolazos ended in the resignation of the then-president, so take it seriously, friends.

I don't wanna give the impression that the country is in revolt around me, but there are gatherings in the streets and cars clogging the road, honking adding to the ruckus. Hell, my host mother was on the balcony, seated in a folding chair, making sure her vote was counted.

I bent her ear for a second to let her know that I love and admire the political sentiments in the country and lament the lack of such things in mine.

"Nobody takes care of the government in my country" I said "And I tell you, we are suffering the consequences."

Get your politic on.

Finally, brothers and sisters, I will bestow upon you my digital blessing in short time, photos of a land called Iguazú and the miracle of gravity occurring there.



ruth said…
1) We may not have political activism, but at least we have correct change.
2) Are you even registered to vote?

I love your sister. even if she is not pro-life.

also... ya, aren't you the one who said that you weren't going to vote in this presidential election because it would go to McCain anyway? is that taking care of your government, Mr. Three?

Bigfoot said…
Heresy! I never said I wasn´t going to vote.

And I think its gotten a little complex since the candidates have differentiated on the war in Iraq.

As for being registered... I think so.
Nathan you have to register for an absentee ballot as you will be in Argentina for the election.


love you.
SheilaE said…
Pro Choice = Pro Life. Because it gives each individual the right choose.
Being only pro life is like being in a dictatorship where there is only 1 party--think GWBush forever.....
I didn't realize that I had asked for a political commentary with my statement. I believe you and your daughter to be an intelligent human being who has made her own political decisions, and I'd appreciate it if I was offered the same courtesy. By the way, your statement shows a complete misunderstanding of what it means to identify one's self as "pro-life" and I daresay I disagree with it entirely. My comment was merely a tease to Nathan because he likes to tease me about how his sister and I would hate each other because I am pro-life... it was not meant to be a slam on anyone's political views.
Anonymous said…
I am going to back away from commenting on the comments.
Other than to comment that I shouldn't comment.
Except I'm Cora so Sheilakevans...thank you.

And on topic. Nathan lets bang pots and pans on mh green next time the admin does something disagreeable.
SheilaE said…
my aplogies -- any offense unintended.--btw I've pissed off Bob this week too--so it must be the moon.
apology accepted, and thank you for it. I understand what you were saying; I just disagree. And that's fine with me.
SheilaE said…
ps. jessica--not to mention that I thought you were Ruth's friend Jessica who I have known like forever ...

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