Pibe - kid; a young person
Bárbaro - Literally barbaric; cool, fantastic
My friends are cool, ¿eh?
Last sunday I received one iteration of a group text message that said "We rehearse at 4. As a price, asado. "Tirada de goma" for dessert.ee
I consulted a taxi driver for the definition of the last term, which appeared to be past participle of the word throw (tirar) and the word for rubber. It seemed to me that it might be a delicious gelatin snack. I confirmed this with the taxi driver I was riding with at the time.
As it turns out, its an argentismo for blowjob. It appeared that my friends were being funny.
Little did I know I at this time, the sender of the text message was being berated viciously for sending me a text message that I was unlikely to understand on various level. Solutions were hatched.
I contemplated a response tranquilly. Searching through my relatively modest Spanish armoury, I select "Your mother will be coming, then" and hit the send button.
As put by the girlfriend of Maykel, "here we all were, worried that Nahtan (pronounced that way) wasn{t gonna get. He´s not gonna get it, he´s not gonna get it and bam, we got a response more Argentine than anyone else."
I felt pretty awesome at that point.
Anyway, there was rehearsal.
Worry not, all, I paid as much attention to the cooking as humanly possible and I assure you that its pretty much inexplicable as to why this shit tastes so good. I figure its the meat.
Briefly, salt large metal plate. (2 feet by 3 feet) throw raw meat on plate. Set apparently homemade grill on top of home made three sided brick structure, build fire, use wood/carbon as charcoal, set meat on home made grill, press pieces of calabaza and garlic on meat, set same metal plate on top of cooking meat, remove large metal plate, set meat on large metal plate, eat , reflect that between the chaotic BsAs nightline, the five people eating hunks of bloody meat off of the same piece of metal with huge ass knives make for a vaguely post-acopalyptic scene.
Also, the above bell-shaped item is a calabaza, or squash, filled with cheese. Mmm...
To post in the future, video´s of Nico, my hair role model, speaking English and the sense of revelry that there was.
Today, I am in Tandil. A city in the province of buenos aires. I will report when I have something to report.
Nathan the Intrepid
Come back to boring Wisconsin! :p
PS, excellent. Excellent excellent excellent on the joke reciprocation! I'm so proud of you!
this is so strange.
Good job on vocab Good to know you can trash talk in two languages:)
"There, in a geography roughly comparable to that of the American farm belt, farmers have traditionally employed an ingenious eight-year rotation of perennial pasture and annual crops: after five years grazing cattle on pasture (and producing the world’s best beef), farmers can then grow three years of grain without applying any fossil-fuel fertilizer. Or, for that matter, many pesticides: the weeds that afflict pasture can’t survive the years of tillage, and the weeds of row crops don’t survive the years of grazing, making herbicides all but unnecessary."
I am back. I am feeling posty. Will do so after I finish getting back.
I think your dino dance is becoming the next American fad.