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Rainy Day, Finals

Those two pictures tell a story about how hard it rained in Buenos Aires the other day.

Excuse my lack of postage (Cora). This is crunch time for me. In the next day, the following things are due:
1 history paper (7-10 pages, double space) Monday
1 tango paper (8+ pages, single space) Thursday? I hope
1 anthropology paper (7-10 pages, spacing unknown) Tuesday
1 "semiotics" excercise (complicated) Monday or Tuesday
several radio excercises (uh...) ?
2 literature finals Monday

But the good news is, the view from my room is sweet at night.
In other news, I went to see Maykel's band "El Portón" play at a place that is two for two on sweet shows. They play music of the Rio Plata, which is a pack of weird influences including african drum tradition, uruguayan harmonized singing, and a lot of highly dancable tropical beats. There was I cha cha line. I did as I was bid by my dark cha cha masters.

Since then, I've been hypocritically thinking about how I'm gonna get all this crap done before monday and procrastinating.

By the way, I'm studing Cumbia Villera for my anthro project, which, as I may have said before, is like Argentine gangsta rap. A friend suggested that I go to the villa (slum) to see the real deal. I may be able to do such a thing if I go with my friend Locoto.

Locoto actually is a spicy pepper from Bolivia, not a name. But ever since he brought a spicy, locoto-derived sauce to the otherwise unspicy Argentine asado, he's gone by that moniker.

It also indicates his solidarity with Bolivia and Bolivians, who are a rather unpopular immigrant group here. Like Mexicans for America, but with more subtones of drugdealing and vegetable selling.

To part, a few more pictures from Tandil, cause I shorted you guys:

And finally, this goes out to Gizem.


SheilaE said…
good luck nathan--how's the passport coming?
Anonymous said…
Thank you for posting and making my life in Wisconsin seem somewhat less boring for a few minutes.
And yea get your passport silly

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