The last post was in coherent, and for that I apolgize.
But you've all seen my hair plans. And you've weighed in. I see an overwhelming resistance to the idea, which means that there is only one thing to do. And that is it. Do it, that is. I resolve to get this haircut in the week that comes after this one, as I am thinking of traveling someplace cold and I want the extra hair for now.
Some pictures of my new house and an explanation:
So I changed host families. Why?
The reasons aren't too complex. You all saw pictures of the food in the last joint. Probably better food to be had in jail. And some of you are probably crying out "Nathan, it's wrong to leave a family just cause the food is bad" and you'd be right except that everything else about this homestay was no good. The bed was too small and tucked into a bed-shaped nook in the room so that there were wall's on three sides of the bed and therefore no place to put my feet. The bed is exactly six foot three inches long with heater on the wall where I would have to put my feet.
Also the lady with whom I lived was a weird old crone. Bad vibes from her. Didn't speak to me other than to tell me to hang up my clothes or ask me if she should reheat the white sauce pasta disaster.
And ultimately, as I tried to explain in the previous post, she didn't like me as much as I didn't like her. I said to Guillermo that I didn't know who was happier see me go, her or me. When she heard this, she laughed and said I was smart.
The new place, by contrast, is quite nice. Here is my well-lit and spacious room.
And here is the view from the window. I can also go on the roof if I find this to be unsatisfactory.
The food is a little more difficult to capture in picture form, but the lady sells milanesas de soja for a living, so her cooking chops are up to snuff.
She also kisses me when I leave, as do real argentines ( I think) though hers are full-on lips-on-cheek kisses that surprised me a little when I met them. I leave you with a picture of a sunset in my barrio in order to fill you with warm fuzzys.
And a sunset picture to give a general warm fuzzy vibe about:
But you've all seen my hair plans. And you've weighed in. I see an overwhelming resistance to the idea, which means that there is only one thing to do. And that is it. Do it, that is. I resolve to get this haircut in the week that comes after this one, as I am thinking of traveling someplace cold and I want the extra hair for now.
Some pictures of my new house and an explanation:
So I changed host families. Why?
The reasons aren't too complex. You all saw pictures of the food in the last joint. Probably better food to be had in jail. And some of you are probably crying out "Nathan, it's wrong to leave a family just cause the food is bad" and you'd be right except that everything else about this homestay was no good. The bed was too small and tucked into a bed-shaped nook in the room so that there were wall's on three sides of the bed and therefore no place to put my feet. The bed is exactly six foot three inches long with heater on the wall where I would have to put my feet.
Also the lady with whom I lived was a weird old crone. Bad vibes from her. Didn't speak to me other than to tell me to hang up my clothes or ask me if she should reheat the white sauce pasta disaster.
And ultimately, as I tried to explain in the previous post, she didn't like me as much as I didn't like her. I said to Guillermo that I didn't know who was happier see me go, her or me. When she heard this, she laughed and said I was smart.
The new place, by contrast, is quite nice. Here is my well-lit and spacious room.
And here is the view from the window. I can also go on the roof if I find this to be unsatisfactory.
She also kisses me when I leave, as do real argentines ( I think) though hers are full-on lips-on-cheek kisses that surprised me a little when I met them. I leave you with a picture of a sunset in my barrio in order to fill you with warm fuzzys.
And a sunset picture to give a general warm fuzzy vibe about:
And Nathan...seriously.
No to the hair.
Also more to come. This is my pre-comment.
I had a curry chicken empanada over the weekend. Yum. But not as good as the cheese.